dissabte, 18 d’abril del 2015

I'm very happy that you're coming to stay with us next week. Here's some information about my timetable and my school.
School starts at 9.00 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. But on Wednesday and Friday the school starts at 8.30. The lessons are 1 hour, excepte 2 classes which are 45 minutes. Spanish, Catalan, English, Maths, Social studies, Science, E.P., Music, Religion, Art, Tutory and ICT are compulsory subjects, but we can choose other subjects like KET, French and Creativity. There are some activities after school like Tennis, English, Art, Music and piano.
I often have lunch in the canteen ( you can't buy food, because there is a càtering ). You can't choose the food, here, everyday there is only 1 meal and there aren'kt any fizzy drinks.
Bye for now,

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